Monday, September 23, 2013

Devotion #72 ~ This Verse is for Me

Written by s.stansberry on 04-23-13 
This Verse is for Me
I recently learned something that I think I already knew but God allowed me to experience it on a deeper more intimate level.

I was working on a design for our Relay for Life t-shirt and my husband and I had already agreed that we wanted to include a scripture verse in the design.

I said: “I guess we will just use the verse ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5.’ What do ya think hun?”

Russ said: “Well, that is a great scripture and I know you sure have held it close these past four years…”

Me: “Yes, it has been special to me…and then I even love the very next one – verse 6 that says ‘In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.’ Honey, I hope we have acknowledged God good enough…I feel HE has surely been directing our path…”

Russ: “Well, I thought of the verse that says: ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me.’ That has really been the verse I have felt so close too during this experience…”


How narrow my mind can be!! I had just assumed that my “help verse” would be his “help verse.” Thankfully God can bypass our minds and get straight our hearts!

I said everything above to conclude this:

I was the one always seeking understanding. I was the one constantly saying: “God where will this road lead us?” Why did you give me little boys if they will be raised only by only a mother? Why does the most beautiful spirited man in the entire world have a tumor in his brain? Why has this happened to a man who so many need? Why, to a man who benefits society in so many ways? A man, who can fix anything, who will love anyone, who will give until it hurts?....”

Russ would always answer: “why not me?”

God would always answer: “Trust in me and lean not on your understanding…acknowledge me and I will direct your way.” PRAISE GOD THIS SCRIPTURE WAS WRITTEN DOWN JUST FOR ME!!!

HOWEVER, Russ on the other hand…has never asked for understanding. From Day 1. He has said: “honey, why not me? And Lord, why not me?” He said: “...why would I think it could happen to a neighbor or friend but not me?” You see, the scripture that was so important to me..Russ respected it and was even thankful that I held it so close BUT to him(Russ), the one afflicted by a devasting diagnosis only needed the verse. “I can do all thing through God which strenghthen me!

It became so powerful for me to understand my husbands need through scripture!

What verse is for you? Study the scripture to show yourself approved but also to help you get through!!

If there is a scripture verse that is particularly important to you and your journey please feel free to share. It may be a verse someone else can relate to, use for themselves, or simply get to know you better…..I thought I knew my husband so well, him and I communicate very well BUT still God used HIS word and brought me closer to Russ than anything we could have done personally to learn of each other. Let Gods word teach you about yourself and others…..Again, What Verse is for YOU?


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