Monday, September 30, 2013

Devotion # 82 - Chores welcomed!

This evening over dinner, Russ was telling me about a man with cancer that he was able to witness to today. The man was telling Russ that he was trying to get things fixed up around the place to ease the burden of chores on his wife after he is gone. Russ told him that he had to stop thinking that way and start thinking positive. He was telling him that he had to determine in his mind and heart that he was going to make it regardless of what the doctors or statistics say. I have watched Russ do this very thing, he does not entertain the possibility that God is through with him yet. The first few months after he was diagnosed with cancer, I would cry and he would say.."Honey, I am not going anywhere! I am still here right now and I need you to smile for me!" Before long it rubbed off on me and I truly knew in my heart that he was indeed not going anywhere until God said he was finished with Russells work here. I got to thinking this evening that I don't want Russ to ever get "done" with his chores here so God will keep him here for me and the boys. I want to relate this to our spiritual chores and how we need to keep on working. I know trials get us down at times and we may even have the notion that we would like to just get our ends tied up and rest in heaven sooner than later. But there are still so many souls who need an opportunity to accept the Lord in the hearts and lives. The scripture I posted this morning really seemed to speak to me throughout the day. (Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.) Please keep on keeping on. Do not wish for our chores on earth to be done. Try to use this in your spiritual life, physical life, emotional life..all aspects. Think about it, when my house becomes spic and span then there is a good chance my children are grown and my husband has gone I dare not rush to see my chores done and even at that time in my life, I pray that I am wiping up the fingerprints of grandchildren. I don't won't my weeping to stop here for as long as my tears flow down my cheeks then there is evidence of a burden for my lost family & friends to be saved. As long as there is still a dish to wash or bed to make then there is evidence that my family still needs me to rise and shine one more morning. As long as I have a spiritual chore to do then I have evidence that God will show me one more lesson to teach or devotion to write. Be not weary in well doing friends think positively about your your assignments you receive from the Lord. Yeah, I know first hand that God will surprise you with how big of a chore that HE gives you to handle. But remember HIS word says that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"...HE knows that exact amount of weight you can carry right down to the very ounce of your breaking point. Trust HIM, depend on HIM, and Do not rush to get your chores done...complete them the best you can! Be encouraged friends! Written by s.stansberry 9-17-13

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