Monday, September 23, 2013

Devotion #73 ~ A school teacher said..

written by s.stansberry on 05-15-13
Today I was just chit chatting with a teacher where I work and she was telling me how she teaches her students in regards to test taking. She said that usually they get the correct answer the first time and she teaches them to go back and prove that the answer is right, rather than to try to re-answer the question and possibly make a change. As soon as she had shared that with me God said: "Make a note of this and we will come back to it later." Her and I talk for some time longer about random stuff and then I went on my way. A little later today, I had to run up to Briceville Elem to finish collecting some data for my end of the year reports and I often love to use this drive time for meditation. I turned my radio off and started trying to remember what it was that I was suppose to remember....I decided to pray since I couldn't remember and before you know it, I'm guessing less than a mile into my prayer, God reminded me....

And it went something like this: Test taking is a time to prove you have learned the things you have been taught. The advice you were given today about an academic test can be used spiritually too! When going through a test in your life, go with the answer you well know and have heard so many times. "Just trust God!" Sometimes we hear this so much that we forget the magnitude of this statement. So we have the right answer but then we begin to second guess ourselves....yeah, I know I am suppose to trust God but this bill is too big, this diagnosis is too scary, this stress is too draining, the list could go on and on and we are already dismissing our very first instinct to "Just trust God!".....So what God showed me today is....instead of trying to find another answer...Just prove that the one I already know is correct!! Talking about an "aha" moment!!! I guess God Himself was steering my little car up that curvy road because I was far from watching where I was going, I was off in heavenly places. When I started thinking of proving God was the right answer, I see a bill too big and an unexpected check in the mail, I see a cancer survivor who still gets to kiss me goodnight each evening, I see mountains in my rearview mirror the size reduced to fractions compared to how they looked when I faced them head on...BUT I proved God and HE stood firm as the rock HE had promised to be in my life.

Job was given a huge test but he proved God! The Three Hebrew Children proved God by walking through the fire test, Daniel proved God by sleeping with the hungry lions, Ruth proved God by clinging to her mother-in-law after such a great loss but declaring where you go I will go, where you reside I will reside, and where you die I will die. There are so many who set us an example of how to prove God, true to HIS word!

I challenge you to prove God in each test you face, don't go back and chane what you know in your heart to be true...because "Just Trust God" is still the answer!


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