Monday, September 30, 2013

Devotion #84 - Get 'em in it!

Devotion #84 - Get 'em in it!
Last Christmas we bought the boys their first big boy Bibles with their names on them and a Bible case. They are so proud of carrying them to church each service. My bible and Russells Bible are completed covered with highlights and notes over the years. I actually have three Bibles that are covered with notes/memories, Russ has a few too. The boys asked if they could write in theirs and immediately I answered, "No, never write in these Bibles!" But God stopped me and said "Get 'em in it!" So I said: "Okay boys, whatever scripture the preacher reads for his sermon then y'all can highlight those in your Bible." He showed me that the last thing that I should do is forbid them to stay away from HIS Word. The boys can already read pretty good and even though they may not understand everything they are highlighting (can say that I understand EVERYTHING either) I want them to feel comfortable with Gods word in their laps. I want them to have some sort of memory that when the preacher said turn to Exodus I heard him preach about the Ten commandments or I remember the time he preached about the fruits of the spirit and it seems like it was in Galatians. Even if they don't remember the specifics they may look thru their Bibles when they get older and see highlighted material and use it as confirmation that they have been exposed to this truth too. When I don't know all the right choices in regards to raising my children, I am so thankful for the still small voice that God often comes with to help me guide them in HIS way. Let them get in HIS word! Of course I still won't let them write with a pen in it and I certainly want them to respect the Bible and not deface it BUT I cannot think of a safer place to find the eyes of my children. Get 'em in it!! Psalms 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. Written by s.stansberry on 09-30-13

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