Monday, September 23, 2013

Devotion #76 cont. - Truth is stranger than fiction (Part 2) {re: Butterfly}

written by s.stansberry on June 8, 2013
Truth Stranger than fiction (Part 2)

The second part of my lesson went something like this:

When we were children it was so simple to believe that a caterpillar (worm) would crawl up in a tree, and fly down a butterfly. It was easy to believe because we just kinda witnessed it from the day we were born. BUT if, as an adult, I sit around and try to think of how that is possible, it is much more difficult to believe its possible even though is really is TRUTH.

Same goes with raising a child in a home to believe God can make a change in your life and it is just that simple!

The TRUTH of the Butterfly formation is much stranger than anything my mind could make up! this can be related to our christain life on so many levels... 2 Cort. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old thins are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Caterpillar: We start out as the caterpillar, just a worm...if we dont make it to the tree (calvary), we will die a worm and spend our life where the worm dieth not. Caterpillars eat only leaves at this point and crawl on their bellies. In the state of the caterpillar, we are lost and Gods word says in Matt 4:4 that we must not live by bread alone.

Pupation: this stage is a representation of our salvation. The worm climbs a tree and starts the process of "change"...this could be like the time we were under see this worm must do this process on its own, I read a story once that a young lady was watching a worm in the pupa state and seen that it was almost complete, she decided to get her scissors out and snip the smallest bit of the cocoon away, the butterfly fell free...HOWEVER, it never could fly, she later learned that the animal had to stay upside down in the cocoon until its winds were completely filled with blood so it could gain its strength to fly. We must let GOD do the saving so the lost can recieve the exact amount of blood needed to fly!

Butterfly: at this stage we can nowfully display Gods beauty in our life. we can FLY! no two butterflies are the same, God has made you unique in HIM. Their life is quite brief on earth but they can make a significant impact on the world. They now drink nectar! Butterflies do not harm anything they come in contact with, not people, not other animals, not structures...Butterflies are almost always seen if the day.

I challenge each of you to find the beauty inside of you, the beauty that GOD gave you and use it to give HIM the credit in your life. Our time here on earth is described in the bible as nothing more than a vapour and I pray that we can be harmless to those around us yet effective to make their life just a little more beautiful! Spread your wins as a new creature in God and FLY!

TRUTH is stranger than Fiction!


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