Monday, September 23, 2013

Devotion #76 - Truth is stranger than fiction (PART 1)

written by s.stansberry on June 8, 2013
Truth is Stranger than fiction (PART 1)

Here is the recent lesson God gave me to teach at a womens meeting, I have chose to present it to you in two parts...

Part 1: Truth is stranger than fiction...this quote was made famous by writer Mark Twain, he went on to say: TRUTH..If it could be told, how much more would novels gain - how differently the world would men behold.

I want to say there is so much truth in that statement, so much that I dare say some of the best novels possibly possess an untold truth or even self proclaimed "true stories" would be even more strange if the person dare expose every ounce of truth to be known. The TRUTH just seems to be strange to folks.  This is why I think this quote could be considered almost spiritual, We have access to one book that is TRUTH from cover to cover, yet it seems ultimately strange to soooo many people around the world..and it merely boils down to the fact that "Truth is just stranger than fiction!"

Let's take it a step further and prove it with scripture.

John 14:16...I am the way, the "TRUTH," and the light.---and---Ps. 40:7...Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me

You see, the TRUTH (GOD HIMSELF) comes to us in HIS Word - The Bible.

Next, in Ex.19:5 it says we are a "peculiar" (strange) treasure, then over in 1 Peter 2:9 it says we are a "peculiar"(strange) people.

I hope you are following me here, now we have scripture showing us that "TRUTH (GOD)" is strange (peculiar) to the world!

How about some examples:

Who would ever believe 3 men walked around in the fire with God, or that a man named Daniel laid down and slept with hungry lions, or a little boy David killed a giant with just one shot, just too strange huh?

Could it really be just that simple to confess your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved and follow with believers baptism? surely it must be more complicated than that? Wouldn't it make more sense that I would need to go through some 10 step program to receive salvation, should it cost me something?....YOU SEE! The TRUTH is stranger than fiction and that is why our highly educated generation sometimes has difficulty believing that the TRUTH is the Answer!

Part 2 to follow...


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